Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one community and one child at a time.
In pursuit of the Kiwanis mission, the Kiwanis of Hailey club serves kids in Hailey, Bellevue, Ketchum,
Sun Valley, and Carey.
When Kiwanis club members serve kids, they support the Kiwanis causes: health and nutrition, education and literacy, and youth leadership development. Thanks to those causes, members make an impact that lasts — from infancy to early adulthood.

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A big “THANK YOU” to our major donors:

Monthly Meetings:
It’s all about the Kids!
* Join us for our lunchtime meetings, held on the
2nd Wednesday of each month
D.L. Evans Bank
609 South Main Street – Hailey
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Come meet the members of Kiwanis and hear how
we help kids with new park equipment,
promote reading skills,
winter clothing for kids in need,
enhancing local children’s educational
and sports programs and more..
Hope to see you there!

In recognition of the activities of the Kiwanis club of Hailey and the Wood River Valley, the Hailey city council voted to rename a city park the Kiwanis Park. This action was later recognized at a ceremony held at that park located west of Balmoral Apartments on Laurelwood Drive in the Woodside area. The name of the park was officially and ceremonially changed from Balmoral Park to Kiwanis Park on September 4, 2019.
The event demonstrated the heart of our Kiwanis club – to serve the people of our community, especially the kids. “It’s all about the kids,” had been and still is, a club motto. It is not ironic or unusual that a service club would thank the community for giving them the opportunity to serve that same community – it is the very nature of a service club and expresses the hearts and desires of the club members. That the city would honor our Kiwanis club in a permanent way will certainly help continue that tradition of service in Hailey and the Wood River Valley.

*** WANT to donate to our Parks projects? ***
Send your donation to Kiwanis Club of Hailey and the Wood River Valley, PO Box 901, Hailey ID 83333 or simply stop by Mountain West Bank in Hailey and make a donation directly to our account.

To speak with a member of our club, please contact us via email
Thank you for your willingness to partner with us in supporting healthy, outdoor recreation among kids in our area!
Another way to donate . . .
Bob Wiederrick of Wiederrick’s Custom Metalworks
orchestrates an amazing recycling effort to benefit Kiwanis of Hailey and the HaileyParks. Bob recycles Aluminum Cans. Your can donation will help support new playground equipment in Hailey thru Kiwanis Club. Drop donations off at Bobs Shop located at 4051 Glenbrook Drive in Woodside Industrial Park or call Bob at 788-0018 to arrange pick-up. Over $13,000 donated so far.